To ensure the communication and dissemination of the progress and outcomes of the project will be available for stakeholders, relevant institutions, organizations, and individuals.
Sustainability and Exploitation Plan
Freedcamp Platform: Restricted for partners for communication and project management
National and international events:
- Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications: Where does the Euro-Mediterranean region stand (News 12/04/2019)
- Integrating Syrians into Lebanese Higher Education through Recognition of Qualifications (News 12/09/2019)
- The Lebanese Diploma Supplement: Idea behind & current status (News 17/11/2020)
- LEBPASS National Seminar (News 09/03/2021)
UNHCR and HOPES-LEB: Higher Education in Emergencies roundtable (News 24/06/2021)
USAID – Higher Education Capacity Building (HECD) Seminar (News 29/07/2021)
- DGHE hosts 2nd LEBPASS Diploma Supplement Roundtable (News 04/07/2022)
- LEBPASS workshop “Developing the Lebanese Diploma Supplement Principles and Form” (News 12-15/01/2020)
- L’Orient-Le Jour article (News 13/05/2021)
The Lebanese Diploma Supplement Workshop Series on Implementation (News 17/05/2021)
Implementation of DS: Wrapping Up Our Experiences and Approaches (News 19/07/2021)
- Erasmus+ Lebanon Newsletter (News 07/09/2022)