To ensure the communication and dissemination of the progress and outcomes of the project will be available for stakeholders, relevant institutions, organizations, and individuals.



Dissemination Plan

Sustainability and Exploitation Plan

Project logo

Project Brochure

Project website

Facebook account

Twitter account

Freedcamp Platform: Restricted for partners for communication and project management






National and international events:

  1. Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications: Where does the Euro-Mediterranean region stand (News 12/04/2019)
  2. Integrating Syrians into Lebanese Higher Education through Recognition of Qualifications (News 12/09/2019)
  3. The Lebanese Diploma Supplement: Idea behind & current status (News 17/11/2020)
  4. LEBPASS National Seminar (News 09/03/2021)
  5. UNHCR and HOPES-LEB: Higher Education in Emergencies roundtable (News 24/06/2021)
  6. USAID – Higher Education Capacity Building (HECD) Seminar (News 29/07/2021)
  7. DGHE hosts 2nd LEBPASS Diploma Supplement Roundtable (News 04/07/2022)

News and Events

  1. LEBPASS workshop “Developing the Lebanese Diploma Supplement Principles and Form” (News 12-15/01/2020)
  2. L’Orient-Le Jour article (News 13/05/2021)
  3. The Lebanese Diploma Supplement Workshop Series on Implementation (News 17/05/2021)
  4. Implementation of DS: Wrapping Up Our Experiences and Approaches (News 19/07/2021)
  5. Erasmus+ Lebanon Newsletter (News 07/09/2022)