1.1 Benchmarking European higher education systems in terms of: level and duration of programs (credits and years), curriculum details and program learning outcomes, grade distribution and grading systems, admission criteria and Freshman equivalency, etc. is to be prepared by the partners as a reference to build on for the future development of Principles of the Diploma Supplement.


Report: Using Benchmarks of the EU and UNESCO/CEPES Models and adapted Practices in particular to the German University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
1.2. Collecting data from each Lebanese University targeting the needs of different recipients through surveys and/or focus group meetings



Diploma Supplement Needs Assessment Survey Proposal.


1.3 Drafting analysis report on the current Lebanese higher education system and the rationale behind the diploma supplement.



Report on Analysis of the Adoption of the Diploma Supplement in Lebanon.


1.4 Arranging a Roundtable by the MEHE open for all the universities in Lebanon and discussion of outcomes and agreeing on a common practice or a translation of practices among Lebanese institutions.


 LEBPASS National Seminar: Program and Presentations

 Recordings of the Session