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Erasmus+ Lebanon Newsletter

July-September 2022 An article was published in Erasmus+ National Office, Lebanon: Erasmus+ CBHE projects News.

DGHE hosts 2nd LEBPASS Diploma Supplement Roundtable

4th of July 2022, the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) organized a roundtable at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Dr. Mazen El Khatib, the Acting Director General of Higher Education, expressed the endorsement of the Lebanese Diploma Supplement (DS) by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. as well as…


July 29, 2021 As part of a USAID-funded project, the LEBPASS initiative was presented within the Higher Education Capacity Building (HECD) Seminars to Lebanese institutions of higher education. The 23 participants were introduced to the LEBPASS project, its objectives, and its national and institutional impacts. They were called to join as members of…


July 19, 2021 The second session “Implementation of DS: Wrapping Up Our Experiences and Approaches” was organized for Lebanese institutions to showcase their progress and the experiences while completing the tasks assigned after the previous workshop. Each institution presented the developments and processes adopted to implement policies and changes. 


June 24, 2021 The LEBPASS Team participated in the Higher Education in Emergencies round table organized by the UNHCR and HOPES-LEB. The theme was “Approaches to and perspectives on higher education: examples from Lebanon and the region” where three samples were presented: the Lebanese Universities’ Association, UNIMED Mediterranean Universities Union, and LEBPASS the…


June 23, 2021 The National Erasmus+ Office called for an Advisory Monitoring Session to measure the progress made after one year since the first preventive monitoring session held in July 2020. During the session, the achievements and activities held across various WPs were presented, as well the tasks scheduled for the next 6…


May 17, 2021, After drafting the template of the Diploma Supplement (DS), another major component of the project is the development and implementation of a national platform to generate graduates Diploma Supplement, as well as other components. To achieve this objective “The Lebanese Diploma Supplement Workshop Series on Implementation” was organized co-led and…


May 13, 2021 An article was published in L’Orient Le Jour entitled: LEBPASS, un ePortfolio pour rendre plus visibles les expériences et le savoir-faire des étudiants libanais


Apr 13 and 29, 2021, The LEBPASS Steering Committee (LSC) held an urgent meeting to respond to EACEA Project Implementation Report. An take action was drafted and the necessary steps when decided on. 


LEBPASS National Seminar Several online news platforms reported on the 1st LEBPASS National Seminar that was held on March 9, 2021:  National News Agency – Lebanon  AlKalima Online  Lebanon24  Akhbar Al Yawm  VDL News  LebanonOn  Al Mada  Mustaqbal Web  Alloubnania.Com  Al Markazia  Al Liwaa  Ad Dawra  LebanonOn  Al Montasher  Nabd 

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July 29, 2021